XSS filter evasion through invalid escapes

Most of the time, XSS filters look for specific keywords to detect invocation of dangerous functions or variables. A very common bypass technique is to break these specific character sequences like this:


Several years ago I found a nice feature in javascript that allows the attacker to break character sequences in a very easy, quick, straight-forward way. It consists of escaping characters that do not have an escape sequence assigned. For instance, this are valid escapes in javascript:

\' Simple quote
\" Double doble
\ Backslash
\n New line
\r Carriage return
\v Vertical tab
\t Tab
\b Backspace
\f Page forward

Those characters will be escaped to their corresponding values if you add a backslash before them.

If you use a backslash before any other character javascript will simply ignore the backslashes, so the string will be broken while still preserving its meaning:


I hope this will help to do your hacking simpler and faster.